Tea Time Doodle Stencil Kit


Shipping Info


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USPS can deliver most domestic packages within 3-5 business days (often sooner). For international packages, the delivery time is appr. 7-14 days. For Expedited shipping please select the options at the Checkout. Allow 1 business day for processing of all expedited orders.

You can return your unused items within 30 days with no restocking fee. Questions? Please see our full Shipping and Returns Policy.

If you require custom size stencils, please contact us.

Single overlay stencil designs
Designs are approx. 3.75-5.2" wide.

You get 5 different tea cup and pot stencil designs in this doodle stencil kit.
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<p>With our new line of creative <a href="/doodle-stencils-tangle-stencil-for-doodling-coloring-page.html">Doodle Stencils</a>, it's easy to relax, calm the mind and forget about the stresses of life while doodling away! Our <strong>Tea Time stencils</strong> are perfect for creative drawing, coloring or tangling. Perfect stress-reducing activity for adults and kids! Excellent way to create hand-made cards for family and friends! <span style="line-height: 20px; background-color: #ffffff;">Just as adult coloring books, these </span><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doodle">doodle</a><span style="line-height: 20px; background-color: #ffffff;"> stencils can be used as a form of artistic meditation to enhance creativity and focus</span>. We all need to unplug and bring some creativity and playfulness into our busy lives, don't we?  Coloring and d<span style="line-height: 20px; background-color: #ffffff;">oodling has been proven to be a very relaxing and pleasant activity for today's busy and over-scheduled adults and kids.</span><br /><br />Simply trace the shapes with a pencil or fine black marker and add your own doodles, strokes and lines inside or outside the stencil shapes! Now these can be colored with pencils, markers, watercolors or left in monochrome. <br /><br />These little <a href="/">stencils</a> also work with paint and <a href="/stencil-supplies.html">stencil brushes</a> just as regular stencils. You can use either acrylic or latex, and apply them for a variety of craft projects, including furniture and fabric painting.<br /><br /><span style="line-height: 20px; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;">Did you know you can stencil on fabric too?</span><span style="line-height: 20px; background-color: #ffffff;"> </span><span style="line-height: 20px; background-color: #ffffff;">You can create custom t-shirts, baby onesies, </span><a style="line-height: 20px; background-color: #ffffff;" href="http://blog.cuttingedgestencils.com/diy-stencil-ideas-moroccan-stenciled-curtains.html">stenciled curtains</a><span style="line-height: 20px; background-color: #ffffff;">, pillows and table cloths with our versatile doodling stencils! You can use textile markers or acrylic <a href="/pillows-stencils-fabric-stencil-paint-supplies.html">fabric paint</a>. With markers, doodling on fabrics is as easy as it's doodling on paper. We offer perfect textile markers for this!</span><span style="line-height: 20px; background-color: #ffffff;"> When stenciling on fabric using paint, stencil adhesive is very helpful. First, tape your ironed fabric to the surface so it doesn't move around while you stencil. Use stencil brushes, or roller, and add some textile medium (sold in craft stores) to your acrylic paint. Let the stenciled image dry completely, 24 hours is best, then heat-set it by ironing the fabric for about 20 seconds (more or less) on a LOW setting through the piece of cloth. Heat-setting will cure the paint and prevent it from being washed off in the washing machine. Always experiment with a sample of your fabric first to ensure good results.  It's always better if your material doesn't have too much texture.</span><br /><br />These doodle <a href="/">stencils</a> are made out of durable 12 mil clear plastic stencil material. This material is strong but flexible, reusable and easy to clean. We love it so much more than standard 5-8 mil Mylar! It's not brittle, user friendly and just so easy to work with. In our many years of professional stenciling this material has proven to be far superior to any other stencil material we used. Our customers love it too, and we are sure that you'll notice the difference! Our stencils will last a long time and are a pleasure to use.===GARBAGE1===PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIGhlaWdodD0iMzBweCIgd2lkdGg9IjMwcHgiIHZpZXdCb3g9Ii0xIC0xIDMxIDMxIj48Zz48cGF0aCBkPSJNMjkuNDQ5LDE0LjY2MiBDMjkuNDQ5LDIyLjcyMiAyMi44NjgsMjkuMjU2IDE0Ljc1LDI5LjI1NiBDNi42MzIsMjkuMjU2IDAuMDUxLDIyLjcyMiAwL 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); background-color: rgb(189, 8, 28); background-size: 14px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; z-index: 8675309; display: none; cursor: pointer; border: none; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; background-position: 3px 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;"&gt;Save</p>

Read More
  • If you compare our stencil thickness, size, design quality and prices, you will be amazed at the value that Cutting Edge Stencils offers!
  • Our stencils are expertly designed by decorative painting professionals, so when you're buying a stencil from Cutting Edge it's backed by our 20+ years of painting and decorating experience.
  • Our Sturdy and Reusable stencils can be used again and again. One stencil can produce many images unlike one-time use vinyl decals. Our stencils are laser cut from 10 mil mylar stencil material which is user-friendly and easy to clean.
  • Stencils are super economical! Stenciling is more cost effective than wallpaper, decals or faux finishes. Stencils work on walls, even lightly textured ones, also on floors, ceilings, furniture and fabric You are not limited with your color choices. Choose any paint color you want to perfectly match your decor Stencils will never damage your walls. No peeling, no glue residue, no worries.
  • Unlike decals or wallpaper, stenciling is easy to touch-up, adjust or re-do. With most decals you only get one chance to install it right. With wallpaper, the splitting seams and messy removal together with high cost makes it a less attractive option.
  • We ship our stencils fast using USPS Priority Mail and also offer Expedited shipping options and International shipping at very competitive rates.
  • Our large stencil collection is constantly growing reflecting the most current decorating trends, so you have plenty of modern stencil designs to choose from.
  • We offer custom scaling of our designs up or down to accommodate your specific project.
  • Our customer service is the best and the friendliest! We are here for you to answer your questions, to help you place an order, and to solve any possible issues.
  • Cutting Edge Stencils is an established leading brand with a huge social following, actively present on all major social platforms. We offer the best in the industry video tutorials and expert stenciling instructions.

As Seen On

  • press cuttingedge stencils wall stencil
  • press cutting edge stencils wall stencil
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